@making's tech note

Using Concourse Team Features with Cloud Foundry's UAA

🗃 {Dev/CI/ConcourseCI}
🏷 Concourse CI 🏷 Cloud Foundry 
🗓 Updated at 2017-12-20T02:32:23Z  🗓 Created at 2017-03-27T02:22:36Z   🇯🇵 Original entry

⚠️ This article was automatically translated by OpenAI (gpt-4-turbo). It may be edited eventually, but please be aware that it may contain incorrect information at this time.


Basically, follow the instructions at http://concourse.ci/teams.html#section_uaa-cf-auth.

First, create a UAA client

uaac client add concourse-atc \
  --name concourse-atc \
  --secret <concourse-client-secret> \
  --authorized_grant_types authorization_code,refresh_token \
  --scope cloud_controller.read \
  --access_token_validity 3600 \
  --refresh_token_validity 36000 \
  --redirect_uri https://<concourse domain>/auth/uaa/callback \
  --autoapprove true

Next, create a Concourse team

fly -t <target> set-team -n <team>   \
    --basic-auth-username=admin \
    --basic-auth-password=admin \
    --uaa-auth-client-id concourse-atc \
    --uaa-auth-client-secret <concourse-client-secret> \
    --uaa-auth-auth-url https://login.<system domain>/oauth/authorize \
    --uaa-auth-token-url https://login.<system domain>/oauth/token \
    --uaa-auth-cf-url https://api.<system domain> \
    --uaa-auth-cf-space <space uuid> \
    --uaa-auth-cf-ca-cert ~/xxxx.crt

uaa-auth-cf-ca-cert is necessary when using a self-signed certificate.

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