@making's tech note

Notes on Using Java 21 with Tanzu Application Platform 1.7

🗃 {Dev/CaaS/Kubernetes/TAP}
🏷 Kubernetes 🏷 Tanzu Build Service 🏷 Tanzu 🏷 TAP 🏷 kpack 
🗓 Updated at 2023-12-03T08:48:03Z  🗓 Created at 2023-12-03T08:43:24Z   🇯🇵 Original entry

⚠️ The content of this article is not supported by VMware. Any issues arising from the content of this article are your responsibility and please do not contact VMware Support.

In a previous article, I introduced steps to update a specific Buildpack in Tanzu Application Platform.

TAP 1.7 does not yet support Buildpacks for Java 21. However, a Java 21 compatible tanzu java buildpack 9.13.0 was released on 2023-12-01.


Therefore, I try to use this tanzu java buildpack 9.13.0 in TAP 1.7 to support Java 21.

In TAP 1.7.1, the following ClusterBuildpacks are installed. The version of the tanzu java buildpack is 9.11.0.

$ kubectl get clusterbuildpack
NAME                      READY
dotnet-core-2.8.2         True
go-2.2.2                  True
java-9.11.0               True <====
java-native-image-7.9.0   True
nodejs-2.3.2              True
php-2.6.1                 True
procfile-5.6.1            True
python-2.5.1              True
ruby-2.8.1                True
web-servers-0.15.4        True

You can check the individual buildpacks included in tanzu java buildpack 9.11.0 with the following command:

ℹ️ The java buildpack is a meta buildpack that bundles the following group of buildpacks.

$ kubectl get clusterbuildpack java-9.11.0 -ojson | jq -r '.status.buildpacks[] | [.id, .version] | @tsv'
paketo-buildpacks/apache-skywalking	5.6.1
paketo-buildpacks/apache-tomcat	7.13.9
paketo-buildpacks/apache-tomee	1.7.4
paketo-buildpacks/appdynamics	5.14.0
paketo-buildpacks/aternity	5.4.2
paketo-buildpacks/azure-application-insights	5.15.4
paketo-buildpacks/ca-certificates	3.6.3
paketo-buildpacks/clojure-tools	2.8.8
paketo-buildpacks/datadog	4.0.0
paketo-buildpacks/dist-zip	5.6.4
paketo-buildpacks/dynatrace	5.5.0
paketo-buildpacks/elastic-apm	5.14.0
paketo-buildpacks/encrypt-at-rest	4.5.6
paketo-buildpacks/environment-variables	4.5.3
paketo-buildpacks/executable-jar	6.7.4
paketo-buildpacks/google-stackdriver	7.7.0
paketo-buildpacks/gradle	7.5.0
paketo-buildpacks/image-labels	4.5.2
paketo-buildpacks/jattach	1.4.4
paketo-buildpacks/java-memory-assistant	1.4.4
paketo-buildpacks/jprofiler	6.5.3
paketo-buildpacks/leiningen	4.6.4
paketo-buildpacks/liberty	3.8.4
paketo-buildpacks/maven	6.15.6
paketo-buildpacks/new-relic	7.8.0
paketo-buildpacks/procfile	5.6.4
paketo-buildpacks/sbt	6.12.4
paketo-buildpacks/spring-boot	5.27.1
paketo-buildpacks/syft	1.10.1
paketo-buildpacks/watchexec	2.8.3
paketo-buildpacks/yourkit	6.0.6
tanzu-buildpacks/aspectj	4.5.0
tanzu-buildpacks/checkmarx	4.6.0
tanzu-buildpacks/contrast-security	5.3.1
tanzu-buildpacks/deprecation-warnings	0.0.4
tanzu-buildpacks/jacoco	4.6.0
tanzu-buildpacks/java	9.11.0
tanzu-buildpacks/jrebel	4.12.0
tanzu-buildpacks/luna-security-provider	1.7.0
tanzu-buildpacks/node-engine	2.0.0
tanzu-buildpacks/overops	4.12.2
tanzu-buildpacks/snyk	4.6.0
tanzu-buildpacks/synopsys	4.6.1
tanzu-buildpacks/tanzu-bellsoft-liberica	9.12.1 <====
tanzu-buildpacks/yarn	1.1.11

The tanzu-buildpacks/tanzu-bellsoft-liberica is the actual JDK-carrying buildpack, and in version 9.12.1, it only supports 8, 11, 17, and 20.

You can check the buildpacks referenced by the default ClusterBuilder with the following command:

$ kubectl get clusterbuilder default -ojsonpath='{.status.order}' | jq -r '.[].group[0] | [.id, .version] | @tsv'
tanzu-buildpacks/ruby	2.8.1
tanzu-buildpacks/dotnet-core	2.8.2
tanzu-buildpacks/go	2.2.2
tanzu-buildpacks/python	2.5.1
tanzu-buildpacks/web-servers	0.15.4
tanzu-buildpacks/java-native-image	7.9.0
tanzu-buildpacks/java	9.11.0 <====
tanzu-buildpacks/nodejs	2.3.2
paketo-buildpacks/procfile	5.6.7

The version of the tanzu java buildpack (tanzu-buildpacks/java) being used is 9.11.0.

Now, I want to update this ClusterBuilder to use tanzu java buildpack version 9.13.0.

The update method is documented at: https://docs.vmware.com/en/VMware-Tanzu-Application-Platform/1.7/tap/tanzu-build-service-dependencies.html#update-dependencies-7

First, relocate the buildpack's Docker image using the imgpkg command. The original image name can be found on Tanzu Net. Use the -lite suffix for lite dependencies, or without -lite for full dependencies.


Here we relocate to ghcr.io/making:

imgpkg copy -i registry.tanzu.vmware.com/tanzu-java-buildpack/java:9.13.0 --to-repo ghcr.io/making/tanzu-java-buildpack/java

Specify the relocated image in .spec.image of ClusterBuildpack. The Service Account specified in .spec.serviceAccountRef needs imagePullSecrets to pull the relocated image. If unsure, use kubectl get clusterbuildpack -ojsonpath='{.items[0].spec.serviceAccountRef}' to check the Service Account used by an existing ClusterBuildpack.

It's better to use a name format that doesn't overlap with those bundled in TAP. Here, as in the documentation, I'm using out-of-band- as a prefix.

kubectl apply -f - << 'EOF'
apiVersion: kpack.io/v1alpha2
kind: ClusterBuildpack
  name: out-of-band-java-9.13.0
  image: ghcr.io/making/tanzu-java-buildpack/java:9.13.0
    name: dependencies-pull-serviceaccount
    namespace: tbs-full-deps

Check the ClusterBuildpack list. out-of-band-java-9.13.0 has been added.

$ kubectl get clusterbuildpack
NAME                      READY
dotnet-core-2.8.2         True
go-2.2.2                  True
java-9.11.0               True
java-native-image-7.9.0   True
nodejs-2.3.2              True
out-of-band-java-9.13.0   True <====
php-2.6.1                 True
procfile-5.6.1            True
python-2.5.1              True
ruby-2.8.1                True
web-servers-0.15.4        True

You can check the individual buildpacks included in out-of-band-java-9.13.0 with the following command:

$ kubectl get clusterbuildpack out-of-band-java-9.13.0 -ojson | jq -r '.status.buildpacks[] | [.id, .version] | @tsv'
paketo-buildpacks/syft	1.10.1
tanzu-buildpacks/apache-skywalking	6.0.4
tanzu-buildpacks/apache-tomcat	7.14.1
tanzu-buildpacks/apache-tomee	1.7.9
tanzu-buildpacks/appdynamics	5.17.1
tanzu-buildpacks/aspectj	4.5.2
tanzu-buildpacks/aternity	5.4.6
tanzu-buildpacks/azure-application-insights	5.17.2
tanzu-buildpacks/bellsoft-liberica	9.13.0 <====
tanzu-buildpacks/ca-certificates	3.6.7
tanzu-buildpacks/checkmarx	4.6.2
tanzu-buildpacks/clojure-tools	2.8.13
tanzu-buildpacks/contrast-security	5.5.0
tanzu-buildpacks/datadog	4.5.1
tanzu-buildpacks/deprecation-warnings	0.0.4
tanzu-buildpacks/dist-zip	5.6.8
tanzu-buildpacks/dynatrace	5.6.1
tanzu-buildpacks/elastic-apm	6.2.1
tanzu-buildpacks/encrypt-at-rest	4.5.11
tanzu-buildpacks/environment-variables	4.5.7
tanzu-buildpacks/executable-jar	6.8.3
tanzu-buildpacks/google-stackdriver	8.0.4
tanzu-buildpacks/gradle	7.6.2
tanzu-buildpacks/image-labels	4.5.6
tanzu-buildpacks/jacoco	4.6.1
tanzu-buildpacks/jattach	1.4.9
tanzu-buildpacks/java-memory-assistant	1.4.9
tanzu-buildpacks/java	9.13.0
tanzu-buildpacks/jprofiler	6.5.7
tanzu-buildpacks/jrebel	4.14.0
tanzu-buildpacks/leiningen	4.6.9
tanzu-buildpacks/liberty	3.8.11
tanzu-buildpacks/luna-security-provider	1.7.2
tanzu-buildpacks/maven	6.15.12
tanzu-buildpacks/new-relic	8.4.1
tanzu-buildpacks/node-engine	2.0.0
tanzu-buildpacks/overops	4.12.4
tanzu-buildpacks/procfile	5.6.9
tanzu-buildpacks/sbt	6.12.10
tanzu-buildpacks/snyk	4.6.2
tanzu-buildpacks/spring-boot	5.27.6
tanzu-buildpacks/synopsys	4.6.3
tanzu-buildpacks/watchexec	2.8.7
tanzu-buildpacks/yarn	1.1.11
tanzu-buildpacks/yourkit	6.1.6

The version of tanzu-buildpacks/tanzu-bellsoft-liberica is now 9.13.0.

Check if the ClusterBuilder has changed by adding ClusterBuildpack with the following command:

$ kubectl get clusterbuilder default -ojsonpath='{.status.order}' | jq -r '.[].group[0] | [.id, .version] | @tsv'
tanzu-buildpacks/ruby	2.8.1
tanzu-buildpacks/dotnet-core	2.8.2
tanzu-buildpacks/go	2.2.2
tanzu-buildpacks/python	2.5.1
tanzu-buildpacks/web-servers	0.15.4
tanzu-buildpacks/java-native-image	7.9.0
tanzu-buildpacks/java	9.13.0 <====
tanzu-buildpacks/nodejs	2.3.2
paketo-buildpacks/procfile	5.6.7

The version of the tanzu java buildpack (tanzu-buildpacks/java) being used is now 9.13.0.

With this, a buildpack for Java 21 has been installed in the TAP 1.7 environment.

To use Java 21 in Workloads, just set the BP_JVM_VERSION environment variable to 21 during build.

For the tanzu apps workload apply command, use --build-env BP_JVM_VERSION=21, or for YAML, use the following setting:

    - name: BP_JVM_VERSION
      value: "21"

You can see in the Developer Portal's build logs that JDK 21 is being used.


If your app uses Spring Boot 3.2, you can enable Virtual Threads by simply setting the property spring.threads.virtual.enabled=true (or setting the environment variable SPRING_THREADS_VIRTUAL_ENABLED to true).

I built the backend API of this blog using the method described in this article. You can check the Java version used by the backend API of this blog with the following command. It's using Java 21.

$ curl -s https://api.ik.am/info | jq .java
  "version": "21.0.1",
  "vendor": {
    "name": "BellSoft"
  "runtime": {
    "name": "OpenJDK Runtime Environment",
    "version": "21.0.1+12-LTS"
  "jvm": {
    "name": "OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM",
    "vendor": "BellSoft",
    "version": "21.0.1+12-LTS"

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