@making's tech note

Launching an OpenAI Compatible Server Using the Gemma Model with llama-cpp-python and Accessing it from Spring AI

🗃 {AI/LLM/llama.cpp}
🏷 Python 🏷 llama.cpp 🏷 OpenAI 🏷 Machine Learning 🏷 MPS 🏷 Gemma 🏷 Spring AI 
🗓 Updated at 2024-02-25T09:05:48Z  🗓 Created at 2024-02-25T07:34:19Z   🇯🇵 Original entry

This is a follow-up to "Setting up a text generation and OpenAI compatible server on a local LLM using llama-cpp-python", where we will try out Google's Gemma.

Table of Contents

Installing llama-cpp-python

First, create a venv.

mkdir -p $HOME/work/llm
cd $HOME/work/llm
python3 -m venv .venv
source .venv/bin/activate

Install llama-cpp-python. The server will also be installed.

CMAKE_ARGS="-DLLAMA_METAL=on" pip install --force-reinstall --no-cache-dir 'llama-cpp-python[server]'

ℹ️ If you encounter an error on an Apple Silicon Mac, try the setup at https://github.com/abetlen/llama-cpp-python/blob/main/docs/install/macos.md.

chat_format="gemma" was supported in the following commit, so please use v0.2.48 or higher.


Downloading Gemma

sudo mkdir -p /opt/models
sudo chown -R $USER /opt/models

The 7B model has a large file size, so download the 2B model.


Please download gemma-2b.gguf to /opt/models/.

Launching the OpenAI Compatible Server

Launch the server with the following command. You need to specify --chat_format=gemma.

python3 -m llama_cpp.server --chat_format=gemma --model /opt/models/gemma-2b-it.gguf --n_gpu_layers 1

You can check the API documentation from the following.


OpenAI's "Create chat completion" API requires the model parameter, but
it seems that llama-cpp-python does not require the model parameter.

Accessing via curl

curl -s http://localhost:8000/v1/chat/completions \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -d '{
   "messages": [
      {"role": "user", "content": "Give me a joke."}
 }' | jq .

A joke was returned.

  "id": "chatcmpl-79f5ae4c-cf47-494c-a82c-a7e3747ab463",
  "object": "chat.completion",
  "created": 1708846379,
  "model": "/opt/models/gemma-2b-it.gguf",
  "choices": [
      "index": 0,
      "message": {
        "content": "Why did the scarecrow win an award?\n\nBecause he was outstanding in his field!",
        "role": "assistant"
      "finish_reason": "stop"
  "usage": {
    "prompt_tokens": 14,
    "completion_tokens": 18,
    "total_tokens": 32
curl -s http://localhost:8000/v1/chat/completions \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -d '{
   "messages": [
      {"role": "user", "content": "日本の首都はどこですか?"}
 }' | jq .

It seems to work in Japanese as well.

  "id": "chatcmpl-3f111b5e-4244-4cfc-9818-d23b8d04ccb2",
  "object": "chat.completion",
  "created": 1708846400,
  "model": "/opt/models/gemma-2b-it.gguf",
  "choices": [
      "index": 0,
      "message": {
        "content": "日本の首都は東京です。東京は日本の東部に位置し、日本を代表する都市です。",
        "role": "assistant"
      "finish_reason": "stop"
  "usage": {
    "prompt_tokens": 14,
    "completion_tokens": 22,
    "total_tokens": 36

Accessing via Spring AI

Let's try accessing from an app using Spring AI. Since it's OpenAI compatible, you can use Spring AI's Chat Client for OpenAI.

Here is a sample app.

git clone https://github.com/making/hello-spring-ai
cd hello-spring-ai
./mvnw clean package -DskipTests=true
java -jar target/hello-spring-ai-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar --spring.ai.openai.base-url=http://localhost:8000 --spring.ai.openai.api-key=dummy
$ curl localhost:8080
What do you call a boomerang that won't come back?

A stick.

This app itself is an app for OpenAI, but the advantage of using llama-cpp-python is that you can use Gemma just by changing the properties.

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